Muahahaha! It is with great evil pleasure that I tell you the nefarious Vordak the Incomprehensible is back. Try as you must to escape his lair, you'll be sucked into his sinister plan to rule the world.
Lucky for you, The Blue Buzzard challenges Vordak to enter a contest for evil villians and their sons. Instead of hatching his brilliant plan to rule the world, Vordak must find a way to produce a son and rise to the challenge.
When Vordak enlists the help of a cloning scientist name Fred, the comic style book takes a a turn from funny to hilarious. A string of accidents in the Cloning Chamber produce an army of scientists, all named Fred, who will have you splitting your sides with laughter.
By drawing you, the reader, into his wicked world, Vordak,(ahem... I mean the author, Scott Seegert with the help of illustrator, John Martin) get it right in Double Trouble with their mix of comic style storytelling. The third book in the Vorkak The Incomprehensible Seriers is a definite must read for the comic book and humor lover. Highly recommended for ages 9-12. Just don't say I didn't warn you that the supervillian might be more fun to read about than the good guy.
Publishing Information:
- Publisher: Egmont, USA (Aug. 28 2012)
- Ages: 9 and up
- Pages: 192
- ISBN: 978-1-60684-372-7 & 978-1-60684-373-4
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